2025 political solutions & your protection.
Trump may have won the battle, but has he won the war? If Trump is not indicated, arrested and sent to prison, America will become a far-right military state. Any positive changes will be offset by the problems that will develop.
Why was Trump elected and what does it mean for the rest of the world? What doesn’t make any sense in politics DOES MAKE SENSE through Internal Science and International Philosophy.
See MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION and the only solution to World problems that will work in the 2025 book, "Internal Science—Your Protection."
Updated on 10/28/23
“The reason why former U.S. President Donald J. Trump has not yet been indicted, arrested, and sent to prison for all his crimes, has to do with Trump’s beliefs more so than the U.S. legal system.”
Has Georgia Prosecutor Arrested Trump Yet? Who Has Fani Willis Charged & Indicted?
- Has the Georgia Prosecutor, Fani Willis, indicted or arrested Trump yet?
- Who has Fani Willis charged or indicted?
- What is the cause of the nation’s political division and how do we solve the problem?
I will answer these questions now.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
Previously written:
Has Georgia Prosecutor Fani Willis arrested or indicted Trump yet?

No one has yet been charged in the Fulton County Georgia investigation of Former U.S. President Donald Trump for post-election interference in the Georgia election.
The Georgia prosecutor, Fani Willis, has not yet indicted or arrested Trump. Fani Willis has charged and indicted but has decided to charge and indict.
Georgia prosecutor Fannie Willis is expected to make a public announcement as to possible charges and indictments.
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Why hasn’t Trump been sent to prison?
The reason has mostly to do with the attention given to Trump and Trump's own convictions and beliefs.
When the focus of a nation is on a problem, energy is added to the problem. Former U.S. President Donald Trump degrades people to get attention and the energy of the attention on the problem then works for him.
Read There is a way to defeat Trump.
Who has Jack Smith subpoenaed and will he indict or arrest Trump? What prison will Trump go to if he is incarcerated? Trump's beliefs protect him from going to prison.
The far right shift in America is a problem.
Trump attacked the constitution because it protects you from him.
A special purpose grand jury has finished its investigation for the purpose of recommending charges. This panel does not have the power to indict Trump or any others who may be criminally involved. However, Georgia’s Fulton County prosecutor Fannie Willis is expected to make a decision soon as to whether to seek possible indictments against Trump and others based on the special grand jury’s recommendations.
Public statements have been made by a grand jury forewoman Emily Kohrs. Republican lawyers will be challenging any possible indictments by District Attorney Fanny Willis based on the public statements of Emily Kohrs.
Fanny Willis is now deciding whether to open a regular criminal grand jury to pursue and indictment of Trump or others. The special grand jury’s report has been turned over to Fanny Willis. According to jurors, there are many recommended possible indictments on a variety of charges. It also seems likely that Trump is included as a candidate for indictment based on what she has said and her emphasis in the public interview she gave.
There are expected to be perjury indictments against one or more of the 75 witnesses the special grand jury heard from last year during its investigation.
Kohrs did not specify who may be indicted and therefore has not crossed any lines that would make a Republican case hold up in court if Fannie Willis were to indict Trump or others. Kohrs replied, “You are not going to be shocked. It’s not rocket science.”
Kohrs also said “We definitely heard a lot about Former President Trump and we definitely discussed him a lot in the room. And I will say that when this comes out, you wouldn’t — there are no major plot twists waiting for you.”
Kohrs also said that the jury panel did not interview Trump because they thought there would be a legal battle with Trump if they did so according to my interpretation of her statements.
Trump said on Truth Social regarding the interview Kohrs gave the public, “Now you have an extremely energetic young woman (get this!) ‘foreperson’ of the Racist D.A.’s Special Grand Jury, going around and doing a Media Tour revealing, incredibly, the Grand Jury’s inner workings and thoughts. This is not JUSTICE, this is an illegal Kangaroo Court. Atlanta is leading the Nation in Murder and other Violent Crimes.”
"Trump and Putin are symptoms of a bigger problem."
— William Eastwood, founder of:
Reset the world & yourself.
Knowledge is power, and protection
The same thing that caused the great Indus civilization to collapse is causing our civilization to begin to fail. Western beliefs like those embodied by the former U.S. president and Vladimir Putin brought about the downfall of this early civilization.
What can be done when the world has become a cult?
Much of the world has been poisoned by destructive misconceptions about reality and human nature. People see what they want to see.
The many challenges facing humanity at this time — an overcrowded planet, climate change, war, food shortages, divisiveness, personal economic struggle, inflation, the pandemic, health issues, mental disorders and emotional suffering — are all a result of one thing.
"Everything people think and believe is projected into reality. Help us wake the world up and begin a new chapter in human history."
— William Eastwood.
Former U.S. President Donald Trump and his base represent a specific paradigm of beliefs. Trump has evaded prosecution because of his belief system. His beliefs form his reality.
In his book, Eastwood reveals the reasons why Trump has not yet gone to prison. In 2020 Eastwood predictedthat Trump would eventually be indicted and sent to prison.
The drama we see playing out on the news is a scientific manifestation of collective beliefs. What happens to Trump himself is a product of an array of conscious and subconscious beliefs Trump holds.
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"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights to help create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Take the higher path
"The Solution..." tells you exactly how to create wealth, money, love, health and the life you want, based on Eastwood's International Philosophy and the science of theoretical physicist, David Bohm, a former colleague and friend of Albert Einstein.
“In editing ‘The Solution…’, my perspective as a scientist with doctorates in theology is that ‘The Solution…’ bridges science, metaphysics and true religion.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSc. (Two doctorate degrees in theology.)
I am offering the world something that actually works
When it comes to improving the human condition, helping people to achieve their goals, and solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don't work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. I am offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will allow people to create their dreams with ease.
Your beliefs protect you regardless of their accuracy. If this was not true, people would not see what they want to see. That phrase really means, “People create what they believe.” It's the placebo and nocebo effect scientists are aware of but do not fully understand.
An American President may go to prison: Why is this happening?
The conflict is at the heart of the danger we face. More is going on than meets the eye.
Many of Trump’s beliefs are derogatory and incorrect, yet they still have prevented him from being more severely harmed by the multitude of agencies attempting to hold him accountable for trying to overthrow American democracy and the United States of America.
Trump will be indicted, arrested and sent to prison
Trump will be indicted, and he will go to trial and lose.
Eastwood is a political oracle referred to as "The Dragon Slayer. His Trump book is full of predictions.
The unthinkable
A world constitution and a powerful source-code for a new system of U.S. and international law. A unifying principle to unite the world.
Help create world peace.
Why was "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," so important in world history?
"De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," was important because from it we learned that the earth was not the center of the universe. The same thing is happening again. We are learning that the universe is not what we thought it was.
Who has Fani Willis charged or indicted?
Fani Willis has not charged or indicted as of 2/23/23. Anyone charged or indicted by Fani Willis is going to have to fight a tough prosecutor.
The underlying problem remains. Let us not forget Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un of North Korea.

What is the cause of the nation’s political division?
The cause of the nation’s political division is due to modern myths. The reasons have to do with fake science that is causing a breakdown in social coherence. Cults are forming because of lack of scientific consensus or outright rejection of physicalism.
Trump has not yet been indicted and arrested due to his belief system, thoughts and emotions. These control the events that he experiences.
Mary Trump makes dire warning
Mary Trump, has just warned United States Attorney General Merrick Garland that her Uncle, former U.S. President Donald Trump, must be indicted now or things will get worse.
How do we solve the problem?
How do we solve the problem?

This website provides solutions to the division and political problems in the U.S. and world. We have a plan that will work to solve the underlying problem.
A powerful underlying threat — Trump is only a symptom

News and conversation do not go deep enough, and so the problem persists.
Scroll down to continue reading article.
The only way to defeat Trump
A plan to save democracy
A plan to solve the underlying problem.
This plan includes a new code for a new system of U.S. and international law. This code is a unifying principle to heal division and unite the world.

Will Trump be indicted and arrested?
Trump will be indicted and arrested. Anyone who has seen the January 6th hearings knows that no sane jury will let Trump off.
This does not mean there will be no attacks of violence from the cults and radical right groups that adore Trump because of his vocal contempt for the groups they also disdain.

A long-term solution
All the issues are connected. We cannot solve the climate crisis, for example, if we cannot pass climate legislation due to republican obstruction. We need a solution strong enough to save democracy and solve the world’s problems.
“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
― Albert Einstein
— Highly respected Republican Judge J. Michael Luttig
They are planning on overthrowing the United States of America again in 2024.
[The efforts made to overturn the 2020 election] “…by the former president were the product of the most reckless, insidious, and calamitous failures in both legal and political judgment in American history.”
— Republican Judge J. Michael Luttig
AR-15s and Glocks — semi-automatic rifles and pistols — were reported in the crowd at the Ellipse White House visitor’s center.
“I don’t effing care that they have weapons…”, Trump blasted, “Let my people in…. Take the effing mags away,” [metal detectors] and so on.

A unique plan that addresses the core problem few are aware of

If Trump is indicted and arrested we will all sleep better. However, to save democracy we need a long-term solution.
An amazing unifying principle to heal the world

Albert Einstein

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.”
— Albert Einstein
Help create world peace with new science
The same methods Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy uses.

Click below for 100’s of FREE articles based on the new science

Trump will be indicted, arrested and probably also sent to prison.

How much is coming from Trump’s distorted beliefs and how much is just plain crazy ego-driven madness?

Trump wanted to have soldiers seize ballot boxes.

We need to subpoena Trump and all Republicans defrauding the United States and all actors that are engaged in an ongoing seditious conspiracy and then indict, arrest and send them to prison or otherwise render them unable to hold government offices in the future.

Has Georgia Prosecutor Arrested Trump Yet? Who Has Fani Willis Charged & Indicted?
© Copyright, 2023, By: William Eastwood. All Rights Reserved.
Will Trump Be Indicted, Arrested & Sent to Prison? Greatest Crime Ever
CATEGORIES: Has the Georgia Prosecutor, Fani Willis, indicted or arrested Trump yet? Who has Fani Willis charged or indicted? What is the cause of the nation’s political division and how do we solve the problem? Will Trump be indicted?, Will Trump be arrested?, Will Trump be sent to prison? Click on our site and books to learn more.
Classic dictator and bully tactics
Trump is appealing to the anger and fear of a segment of the population that cannot keep up with humanity’s progress. His base seeks a return to a more primitive era of less liberty and more strict patriarchal control.
The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.