"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
Love is not authoritarian. Consciousness is not authoritarian. This website is not authoritarian. I do not advocate for hierarchical power structures because all consciousness is good and all consciousness is powerful and in control of its own experience. There is no evil enemy, everyone is with you. Any behavior that seems to suggest otherwise is due to the beliefs of the person doing harm. False justification of harm comes from authoritarianism and anti-intellectualism.
Internal Science and International Philosophy return power to the individual and give everyone control over their reality. Cults do the opposite, seeking to control their members because they are seen as being inferior to the leader and thus in need of control (for their own good).
Authoritarian beliefs are coming into power in the United States at the time of this writing. An authoritarian believes people are basically wicked, but not the group to which they belong. The authoritarian punishes people for their badness. Ultimately, the authoritarian says that the solution to world problems is to get rid of what is bad.
When paranoid beliefs are in power, as they were with Hitler, the first to go is the group that is blamed for everything wrong in the nation or world. Then the targets move closer and closer to the center of power, removing, punishing and executing.
Only authoritarianism justifies cruelty. If you do any kind of research at all, (or just open your eyes and look around you), it becomes pretty obvious who is falsely justifying harm. The people in prisons and those who guard them all tend to be authoritarian. Those that are authoritarian will justify a war on everything that they blame for the problems in their own life, and war is no good, especially considering that the universe and human nature is altruistic.
“To change a projection by an old-fashioned movie projector, we must change the film. Attacking the screen on which the projection is viewed does not solve the problem depicted. When we understand that our reality is a projection, we begin to realize that attacking the movie screen does not work. It is then that we learn how to change our thoughts and beliefs in the correct way.”
—William Eastwood
Authoritarianism is a mix of tribal religion and anti-intellectualism. Civilizations have disappeared off the face of the earth because of it. There is a solution, however.
We can transform the world with this information very easily: The New Altruistic Movement, my film and books are for that purpose
Our Earth-Network.org feature page is a platform for you to express your spontaneously altruistic nature and to receive the benefits of others who are expressing their spontaneously altruistic nature.
The plan is simple: We have created the Altruistic Movement platform that enables people to save the world by being their natural spontaneously altruistic selves.
Over $60,000.00 in donations received so far!
“Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
“But it has to be the right science”
— William Eastwood
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
Your book purchase supports MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION.
Take your power & control back
In the 1970's through the 1990's Eastwood conducted scientific research & experiments of a profound nature that will shatter your views of reality & lead to something you can't conceive until you have read this book. Nowhere has this material been released in a complete manner but in this book. Until October 14th, 2024, the government prohibited him from revealing the science & revelations it contains.
If you want unlimited natural power & to be shown the exact formula to create what you want & solve world problems, this is your book. It is the answer for political problems. It is the answer our civilization is looking for. It is the answer you are looking for.
From the author of "The Holographic Universe..." an event that can only happen once.
William Eastwood, originator of Internal Science & International Philosophy, began developing Internal Science at 12 years of age. The outcome of his first experiment was spectacular. It resulted in him working for a Yale University professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13—a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors. But this book goes way beyond that or anything he has presented thus far in his 500 free articles on Earth Network websites.
"The individual has been robbed of their power & our civilization is in trouble. This book contains the solution to both problems." —William Eastwood
Eastwood says, "The instrument of discovery can only be our own consciousness. And so it is that with my own consciousness that I probed the field and made jaw-dropping discoveries that led me out of the unfortunate vice of ignorance the world insists on dwelling within. But that was only the beginning."
Read all about the knowledge Eastwood gained & take your power & control back.
Introducing Internal Science & a the exact way to make it the world's official science of the 21st century.
"With this plan we can avert a dark period of potentially horrific events & go directly to world peace & a completely new chapter in human history." —William Eastwood
This book focuses on restoring natural power to the individual.
A must for any library & your best book collection! Get it now & you won't be disappointed.
When you buy here you get it DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER & your contribution goes to our mission rather than to another big corporation like Amazon.
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
A film by William Eastwood based on a true & ongoing story.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.A MindFormsMatter.com website article.
The traditional science paradigm is based on authoritarianism. An accidental universe is assumed to be inferior to the God-like male intellect that attempts to control anything inferior to itself—which is basically everything.
For this reason, authoritarians cannot be reasoned with. They think everyone and everything is broken, and this predominates in the United States as well as in countries like North Korea.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
Tribal worldviews are authoritarian. Traditional patriarchal family structures in Western countries are authoritarian. When a single a male has the final say, it is an authoritarian system. Religions with a single male god are authoritarian. Political leaders like Hitler are authoritarian.
We still live in an authoritarian world.
Authoritarianism demonizes humans and then seeks to control them. Conspiracy theorists that look for an evil enemy are authoritarian. Authoritarians do not demonize themselves, but those they feel are unlike themselves, but authoritarians feel that people and human nature is basically bad. This is their whole reason and seeming justification for their stance in which they seek to control the situation and everyone in it.
Authoritarianism is tribal. Cults are based on authoritarianism. Consciousness itself is democratic. All are equal. The worldview that says some things are lesser than others is basically authoritarian in essence. Authoritarianism seeks to control nature, manipulate environments and people because it is based on the idea of a broken and bad reality as coming from Darwinism, male religion and physicalism.
There is nothing authoritarian on this website.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Find out just how intelligent you are!.
ROUND ONE of the new intelligence test!.
Internal Science & International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
New affirmations every day.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
An earth-network.org article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
What is an authoritarian and authoritarianism?
William Eastwood.
Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by a controlling government and the rejection of democratic values and human rights. Authoritarianism is the advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom. Authoritarianism is characterized by the lack of concern for the wishes or opinions of others.
Authoritarian behavior is controlling. A strict authoritarian demands obedience. Authoritarian governments are based on strict enforcement of laws with little tolerance for dissent.
Authoritarianism is based on a belief system. The beliefs of an authoritarian originate from physicalism, tribal religion and Darwinism.
Families who believe in original sin or “might is right” give rise to authoritarian children, especially when there is a strong distrust of human nature, which there typically is. Authoritarians tend to “report on” others who do not follow strict rules of conduct, belief and behavior that are unreasonably imposed on them.
The authoritarian is taught that certain groups or categories of people cannot be trusted.
Authoritarianism is antagonistic to self-trust or a belief in the goodness of human nature.
Often authoritarians distrust themselves, but this disdain for self is suppressed. As a result, an authoritarian may unconsciously punish themselves in various ways. They may also subconsciously project this emotionally held distrust of other people. Outwardly they may attack or prosecute others with vigilant righteousness.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
Why does Albert Einstein say this?
Albert Einstein.
“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.“
― Albert Einstein
It’s because by believing Internal Science & International Philosophy—that you are a good person, that you create your reality & that the universe is friendly rather than hostile —creates that as your reality.
Have you fallen prey to the negative philosophy that is tearing our civilization apart, or are you an exception to the rule?
“Political, scientific, religious, educational, medical and economic forces in our society are telling you that there is something wrong with you. I am here to tell you that there is nothing wrong with you — that’s contemporary superstition being projected.”
— William Eastwood
Escape the negativity and apathy and be a part of the solution.
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Imagine your friends and family asking you, “How did you save millions of children?”
Help us to help others to help yourself.
New every day.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A WilliamEastwood.com article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.
Authoritarianism is a psychological condition that varies. It is a form of criminal thinking in that it results in a false justification of harmful acts committed against others whether laws are enforced or broken in order to incarcerate or violate others. You will find authoritarians on both sides of the law.
Hybrid belief systems that combine religion and Darwinian concepts give rise to an authoritarian set of values and beliefs that are deeply damaging and destructive.
"This is your invitation to...paradise!"
—William Eastwood
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.
Make all your problems go away LIKE MAGIC!
"Make All Your Problems Go Away Like Magic..." doesn't only clear up negative thinking. This is a book that tells you how to move to paradise in both your inner and outer world.
"Make All Your Problems Go Away Like Magic..." even invites you to an exciting new kind of community in one of the most beautiful natural locations in the world. Even if you don't want to go to Hawaii or lack the means, this book will show you how to go anywhere, and that includes your own Promised Land.
Do you want to live a higher quality of life, inside and out? If so, this is the book for you. Don't pass up your ticket to paradise. The alternative is to drift in default mode on a raft of collective events that lead to more of the same in politics and world events.
"It is much easier to create what you want in life than most people realize. You can eliminate problems in your own life LIKE MAGIC! Then I'll tell you how to do the same with the world's problems." —William Eastwood
Besides containing the best tips, tricks and secrets to achieve goals like magic, it addresses high taxes, fake news, poverty, bullying, school shootings, the new arms race, and crimes against humanity. Eastwood says that these too can go away like magic!
This is the wonderful book that plants the seeds of a better way of life and all within the context of a beautiful coffee table book with breathtaking color illustrations of actual paradise. Show it off to friends who enter your house! The affirmations at the end of every chapter, color pictures and explanations of how to get rid of everything negative in your life make for positive discussions. What is really possible in your life and in the world around you? Why not find out? This is your ticket to paradise! Don't miss the boat! You are capable of far more than you realize!
THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION IN THE WORLD! Get this unique trophy book and your worldview will never be the same again. Whether you get the hardcover or the eBook, you will be freed of everything that unnecessarily holds millions of people back from the complete freedom they strive for!
It is all possible to do now. You are a beautiful and powerful spiritual being capable of creating a new way of life and a rich and deeply satisfying existence.
A special eBook.
The eBook is filled with links to the best of the best articles on our six websites. Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
An authoritarian’s controlling behavior is driven by the belief that there is something deeply wrong or disturbing with human nature. Authoritarians will find something wrong with others to condemn and control. One who feels this way will often be militaristic or in some way will set themselves up to control or police people. Authoritarians will often take on roles of enforcement, working for courts, police, or military. On the other hand, they may be lawbreakers, tramping on the rights of those who they believe deserve no mercy. They may be hellfire ministers or backwoods Americans that just rage against homosexuals, Democrats or other groups they have used as a lightning rod for their anger and frustration. Young authoritarians will often pick on weaker children or boys who show what they think of as being feminine or passive characteristics.
Authoritarians hide behind strict rules and codes of conduct. They are thriving because of physicalism, which gives rise to authoritarianism because of its highly negative aspects. Darwinism and traditional religions come from physicalism.
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.
Hybrid negative worldviews give rise to current world problems , public and private. The worldviews predominating in our times are authoritarian in essence, and that is why they are cult-like. Do you want to be controlled like a sheep, led off to slaughter? You have an alternative.
MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION can help free you from authoritarianism..
The solution to the world’s problems and authoritarianism
In contrast to the authoritarian belief system and condition is the humanitarian who sees good in people and therefore wants to help others. Those who are humanitarian believe people are good and therefore give people the right to self-govern as in a democracy.
To be autonomous is to self-govern. Humanitarians believe in autonomy or the good in human nature and this drives their desire to help people. The American experiment and constitution is based on the virtue and rights of the individual.
“Reset” yourself. Get rid of destructive beliefs and begin to live.
Don’t be pulled into negativity: Don’t degrade people & don’t ever believe those who do
William Eastwood.
William Eastwood:“You are beautiful, and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise. If you believe and affirm this, everything in your life will work.
“My FREE ONLINE COURSE with affirmations will change your reality. Everything good in life depends on your understanding that you are good, your nature is good and the universe is kind.”
— William Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.
There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All we need is a little bit of help.
Children in slums need your help.
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.
2023 edition.
A complete course with everything you need to know to create what you want in life that emphasizes the fact that your spirit is altruistic.
According to William Eastwood, the human spirit is altruistic, and so are you.This insight is an important part of what makes his philosophy so effective as well as unique in the world today. If you do not believe in your natural goodness, it will be difficult to create what you want in life.
“Mainstream thinking is based on the opposite premise, and that is why we have so many problems in the world today.” — William Eastwood.
Eastwood tells you how beautiful you are in very strong and clear terms that will reinforce your positive qualities — forever.
This book is packed full of powerful and practical secrets, tips and insights on how to manifest the life you want and to be free of all limitations.
This course represents the best he has to offer, a message that the human spirit is good and guidance for people to enable them to create their dreams.
“You are a beautiful person, and when you realize this, your life can be whatever you want it to be.” — William Eastwood.
No library is complete without this masterpiece. Get “You Are a Beautiful Person...” for those you love as a great gift, and for yourself as the pinnacle of your best book collection!
My first book, “The Solution…” is about the distrust of human nature threatening our civilization.
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.
The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
THE SOLUTION... is powerful enough that government officials twice removed it from publication. Learn what they do not want you to know.
In it, Eastwood explains the underlying cause of degradation that is putting our civilization in danger of collapse, and he outlines his first set of solutions for the world which includes a social healing institution.
"The Solution..." contains a remarkable new way of looking at the universe that is supported by two of the world's most eminent thinkers ― Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, and University of London physicist David Bohm, a former friend and colleague of Albert Einstein.
Eastwood was studying the application of the science before it was even released by David Bohm in 1980. "The Solution..." is simple, easy to understand and tells you how you can create what you want in life in a much easier way than we were all taught.
William Eastwood, originator of Internal Science and International Philosophy, began developing his unique methods (now called International Philosophy) at 12 years of age. The outcome of his first experiment was spectacular. It resulted in him working for a Yale University professor in a research and development facility on a secret invention when he was only 13.
“At age 22, I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine, because the philosophy I was testing worked.” — William Eastwood.
This unique book gives you the exact formula Eastwood used to acquire his estates in his twenties.
This is a unique opportunity for you to learn what few people know, what is threatening our civilization and where we must begin to solve the problems that besiege the world today.
This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.
The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.The most recent editions are made available first at Lulu.com, the book manufacturer. To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through Lulu.com.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.
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