The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
“The secret law of attraction is the most valuable thing to know in life because with it you can achieve just about anything.”
— William Eastwood
THE SECRET: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Create What You Want In Life
- What is the secret law of attraction?
- How can you use the law of attraction to create what you want in life.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
What is the secret law of attraction?

The secret law of attraction is based on the understanding that everything is energy and that like attracts like. It is a very scientific idea based on the simple facts of quantum physics.
All events and objects are composed of electromagnetic energy which attracts or repels according to reliable laws of physics similar to the law of gravity.
The secret law of attraction is the most valuable thing to know in life. The law of attraction is a neutral law that is always working. You are always attracting or repelling what you want according to your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
However, there is also the law of manifestation and the inner self that works on your behalf. When a goal requires the involvement of others, the inner self also communicates with the inner selves of those who want to participate.

The law of attraction is neutral

The law of attraction is a neutral force that doesn’t understand good or bad but will attract what you think about whether you are a good or not so good person, and regardless of the purity of your intent. This is because thoughts are electromagnetic energy, and the energy of thoughts attract or repel probable events in a completely neutral way.
However, because the universe is of good intent, positive or constructive thoughts do have more power to manifest. Positive thoughts have less resistance than negative thoughts because negative thoughts can impede the positive flow of universal energy, the very energy that your thoughts are constructed from.

The universe is created by those who observe it

The collapse of the wave function in quantum physics means that the act of observation causes energy to become physical. People observing reality create their reality by the nature of their thoughts. In the simplest terms, positive thoughts create positive events and negative thoughts create negative events.
Thoughts select energy or attract energy. Thoughts collapse a probable energy event into a single physical event.
The probable field around you consists of infinite probable events from which you attract and manifest events in your life according to the energy of the thoughts and emotions you put out. Thoughts pattern energy flowing into your mind from inner levels of consciousness. That energy then returns to inner levels of consciousness where a process of attracting and repelling occurs.
Eventually probabilities are selected and formed according to what you have attracted and created with your thoughts. A certain process occurs. Evolving probable events that fit your circumstances, beliefs and purposes come closer to the range of available options. Your conscious decisions determine what probable events become your reality.
Assumptions, beliefs, thoughts and emotions make the emergence into matter possible, and your decisions trigger those probabilities you have decided upon into matter as physical events that are then observed.
If probabilities did not exist, you would not have a sense of choice. Every act, from clicking a keyboard to stepping forward is an act of selecting a nonphysical probability for physical manifestation.

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There is no reliable way to create what you want in life other than through the application of the law of attraction
If you are not using the law of attraction, you are repelling what you want. If you are repelling what you want, even strategic efforts that make perfect logical sense will not enable you to achieve your goals.
This knowledge has only been suppressed because scientists decided on physicalism early on when the scientific establishment was in its formative stages.

The law of attraction can also be called the law of repulsion because your beliefs repel that which is dissimilar. Because science had decided it knew that the universe was physical, scientists rejected the opposite premise. Their ideas repelled the information that would have led them to the realization of the facts.

The law of attraction is the best and most effective way to create what you want in life. It is the most reliable method to achieve goals. It is a scientific principle that is more effective than hard work.
“The secret law of attraction is the most valuable thing to know in life because with it it is possible to create anything.”
— William Eastwood.
If you want to be successful you must be willing to do the work necessary, but this is not physical work. It is the work that is done in the mind. It can be enjoyable work because it only asks of you that you focus your mind in the most positive way possible. By learning to use the law of attraction, you will learn to feel really good and to manifest what you want in life.
If you follow the instructions given daily and do the work suggested, you will succeed.

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The work of monitoring and changing thoughts

If you want to be successful you must be willing to do the work necessary. I do not mean physical work or working at a job you dislike. I mean the work of learning to think positively in a certain specific way as often as possible. The fastest way to progress is to make a rigorous effort to cleanse your mind of fears and strong negative thoughts and attitudes.
Don’t focus on what you don’t like about people or the world. What I have found is that most clients have exceptions so that in their mind they feel Justified condemning certain people are situations regardless. This is one of the main obstacles to success. You need to clear your mind of all this kind of garbage and focus on what you want with the feeling of joy and gratitude that comes with achieving all your ambitions. This is the fastest path to success. Affirmations can change thinking patterns so that you attract what you want and repel what you do not want.
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“The secret law of attraction is the most valuable thing to know in life because with it it is possible to create the highest levels of success.”
— William Eastwood.
The secret and law of attraction is forever and must be something you design yourself around

The secret and the law of attraction are always operating. There are no breaks you can take. You cannot push the stop or pause button. This is critical to understand. It’s not like putting money in the bank, and once you have a certain amount you can stop applying the law of attraction. The necessity to apply the law of attraction in a consistent and ongoing way goes on for eternity.
What is important is that you change your habits and mental patterns. If you learn to see the positive in every situation and appreciate everything, you are going to progress much faster than people that hold on to gripes and grudges in certain areas.
“The secret law of attraction is the most valuable thing to know in life because with it you can achieve any goal.”
— William Eastwood.
The main article continues below.