How Do I Know What to Do? Follow the God of You
- How do I know what to do or who to follow?
- What is the God of You?
- How do you follow you?
I will answer these questions now.
How Do I Know What to Do?

You can always make the right decision when you know how, and every action and thought can be the best one possible to lead you to your goals. Intuition tells you what the intellect does not know. What you feel drawn to do is often intuition telling you what direction to take.
You can access your higher power, God, Inner Self, Inner Intelligence (by whatever name you like to use) through intuition. By learning to contact, listen to and act on intuition, you can establish a direct connection to the infinite intelligence of the inner self and the universe. If something feels right and if it is something you want to do, as long as it harms no one, it is best to follow through. It is better to make decisions and make mistakes than do nothing. If you make a decision, you learn from the result and every time you act on your intuition it becomes stronger and clearer the next time.

The most common mistake people make when in a difficult situation or when trying to achieve a goal is to attempt to force changes in their life through constant struggle. Work is good but not if you are generating negative thoughts and energy.
If at age 18, you are told to go to work and off you go, that’s fine until you have an increase in negative thoughts or emotions. On Friday you bring home a paycheck and celebrate; you are a real man or an independent woman, you are doing your duty, you have money, you can buy a house, the list goes on.
But you don’t know about the trap. You don’t know what you are getting into. If you are accepting the negative mood or suffering you endure at work in exchange for the money, it is like selling your soul to the Devil (I don’t believe in a Devil, it’s just an analogy). If you trade the life you could be living by following your greatest passion for the security your “real” job gives you, you are signing up for Hell.
What happens is that we develop the belief that work (that we dislike) leads to regular income, income which we are dependent on. As long as we hold this belief, which is usually for the rest of our life, we must suffer to have money.
We learn to believe that suffering through time spent doing what we do not enjoy is what provides security. It’s a belief and strong pattern that sets up and stays with most of us for the rest of our life.

If we think it is okay to feel poorly while working because we are getting money, then we are cursed. Murphy’s law says that whatever can go wrong will go wrong. This is the law of attraction. Once we have become negative, we attract more things to be negative about and whatever can go wrong does then go wrong.
Rather than depend on rational thinking, look to the God of You. You have magic within you and that magic will operate as long as you believe it is there and as long as you are positive. You do have your own personal God. That innermost portion of you that represents the best version of who you can be is looking out for you all the time. When you are true to your dreams and positive you can rely on the God of You to lead you through the maze of mirrors to your Promised Land.
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ROUND ONE of the new intelligence test!.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
There is a way to achieve goals and fulfill yourself that does not involve struggle. But you must develop your intuition and learn to let go and enjoy yourself.

You have an inner system of communication that connects you to other people and the events you need to have happen to achieve your goals and desires. This information service is superior to the telephone and internet. It works automatically in a very magical way to connect you with people, and to bring fortunate events your way.
When you relax, don’t worry and feel good it operates automatically. Relaxed, positive thoughts open the door to fortunate events. Your feelings put you in correspondence with similar energies. Every thought you have minutely adjusts the probabilities to which you are connected in an infinite web of multidimensional reality in which past, present and future events coexist. When you feel good you are magnetic to more of whatever will make you feel good. Feeling good draws positive events.

If you are pining and upset that you are not getting the results you want it is best to stop and relax, telling yourself that things may not be as bad as you think. A simple shift in your state of mind will bring you insights. You will feel these insights. They will feel like a reassurance. With that feeling will come ideas that will lead you to where you want to go or need to be. You will be connected to what you want through inner telepathic pathways.
The first step is to stop straining for results and to just let go and relax. When you let go of trying hard to achieve your goals, relax and remind yourself that a magical inner reality exists. This magic reality is a part of you.

The events you desire are probabilities. Your thoughts will automatically bring you what you want when you connect you are in a magical state of mind. This is not generally understood. If it were understood, life would be much better for everyone. You will draw from the field of probabilities that which you want when you are in the proper magical state of mind. This happens even when you are not doing anything.
If you go a step further and feel the reality of what you want as being with you rather than something you have to strive or struggle to get, you will draw it to you. When combined with affirmations this can be a powerful process.
You have personal trigger thoughts that will bring about a feeling of fulfillment and pleasure. These triggers will put you in a good mood, relaxing you so that channels open within and what you want can come to you.

Struggling for what you want doesn’t work. Trust, faith and belief do. Visualize what you want before you get out of bed in the morning. You create your reality with thoughts, emotions and visual images, more so than through work. Once you visualize and affirm what you want, release it to the universe and as you go about your day.
Say thanks for what you have and appreciate everything you already have. This shifts your energy away from what you don’t have to what you have. Once your energy is on what you have, your energy attracts more of it. Reality will shift. You will only notice a change in how you feel. The past, present and future actually change as you align with new probable events from both your past and future.

Do whatever you can to immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled by watching videos, listening to music or imagining it in a playful manner. This is how you attract what you want in life.
Remember and use this process I just gave you. Life will be an ongoing process of stopping yourself whenever you don’t feel good and using your triggers or my affirmation pages to shift into the mental-emotional atmosphere of having what you want. You are always attracting and creating by your current thoughts. Every thought is magnetic. The law of attraction is always working. You cannot turn it off any more than you can turn off gravity. It is working all the time.

William Eastwood's secret: His amazing affirmations
When I was in a seemingly impossible situation, I created a series of powerful affirmations to escape the predicament I was in. They worked so well that I still use them today. I have made them available on my free course.
They transition us to the new paradigm so that we can achieve our goals and live safely. They give us immunity from inner and outer threats of every kind.
"My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen."
William Eastwood reveals his secrets
The course (affirmation page) will help you to replace one operating program (worldview) with another. Otherwise, two worldviews with conflicting ways of doing things (and beliefs) can stalemate you.

This is all you need to know. However, the process of becoming successful requires immersing yourself in a new paradigm of reality through learning, focus and feeling good, and so I provide additional reading material to help you with that whenever you are in a mood to learn. I will guide you out of the beliefs from our culture that lead you away from this magical method of achieving goals with my affirmations and articles.
The more often you can follow your intuition and maintain a positive state of mind, the faster you will get what you are after. If you don’t, your life will not change.
You have thousands of beliefs you received from culture that go against these principles. Contrary to popular opinion, life does not work as well when you work all the time. The affirmations provided on my affirmation pages can help you to remove some or all of those beliefs that can trip you up.
Manifest anything you want every day!
The remainder of this article was written on various dates.
You are an energy system; there is no solidity, but only energy. Westerners tend to reject intuition and even deny it exists in favor of the rational, logical and reasoning aspects of the mind which are perceived as being superior. That is a mistake. Intuition is superior. However, they work together, and neither should be rejected. Your decisions should all make logical and intuitive sense.

Your intuition develops when you listen to it and use it. Your body consciousness and intuitive intelligence can safely guide you through any situation, no matter how complex and difficult. In fact, when life is complicated and demanding, we need to ask our inner self to guide us to the outcome we desire.
By living in the feeling of the wish fulfilled you activate the magical intelligence of the universe to guide you. It is basically that simple. By learning to trust intuition, or the God of you, you increase its clarity and power in your life.
Go as high as you can in your ambitions and claim the best life you can imagine on the inside. This builds and accumulates the energy you will use to construct the same in the physical world. All that you need to do to manifest this ideal inner world you imagine in your best dreams, is to have faith. I am not implying religious faith, but faith by whatever name you choose.
You are always in a state of grace. You are blessed. You are a portion of the Divine. To the degree you recognize the truth is the degree to which you are able to have what you want and be who you want to be.
Your true self, your authentic self, is your real self.

All you need is simple and enduring faith in the overall, in yourself, in your reality and in what you would like to call out from the universe. Everything you could desire already exists within. Faith is what brings it into the material world. Faith is like the leavening agent that makes dough rise into bread.
You are graced and will receive your blessings because the universe is good.
These are the secrets that will make your life magical and fruitful as opposed to working or suffering.

The voice of intuition is inspiration and joy. You know what to do because it is something you want to do. Whereas the intellect likes to struggle and gets overwhelmed as a result. The negative energy of drudgery and forcing yourself to do what you do not want to do is a trap. The energy you put out in discomfort attracts and creates more of the same. The energy state of your body and mind then attracts what you do not want and repels what you do want.
If you go by people telling you that you have to do this or that, you will soon find yourself locked in a nightmare. This is the situation millions are in. The way to get out and into fun and joy, inspiration and meaningful achievement is through the joy of positive thinking and affirmations. Everything I have online and in my books is set up to help you do that.
In the beginning (when you start to focus your mind on the positive) the old ways of thinking and doing things will fight back. Therefore, it is best to visit my affirmation pages whenever this happens. Do not let negativity creep back in when you learn new and superior ways of doing things. Otherwise, you will zigzag through life, and you will get nowhere, something I explain in “The Solution…“

You have to make a firm decision on how you are going to use your mind in life and then you must stick with your choice.
Follow your intuition. This is how you know what to do. This is how you follow the God of you.
Summary: Evaluate your options, use your intuition and then make a prompt decision. Do not be afraid to make decisions. The more decisions you make the faster you progress and the better you get at making decisions.
You can also test your options. If you have two choices, make a firm decision as to which way you will go and then turn your consciousness inward to capture the ramifications of that decision, then make the opposite decision at a much later date and do the same. It is possible to see outcomes or probabilities in advance. Gray or off-centered images may appear in your imagination.
You communicate with your probable selves in the sleep state. You can ask a question before going to sleep and it will be answered. Then pay attention to how you feel when you wake up. One path will feel good, and you will want to go in that direction.
If you cannot ascertain your life purpose, do not remain in a state of indecision. Choose the most fun and beneficial path for everyone.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
I have four affirmation pages that provide proper guidance every day. It takes only seconds to reset your mind to the positive and to prevent regression back to the trap most people spend their life in.
That trap is a cycle of negativity that attracts more according to the degree of your negativity. It is an entire worldview called physicalism with many myths and misconceptions that causes people to lose touch with their inner intelligence and childlike joy.
Domesticated humans are in trouble
Domesticated humans are in trouble. They are not well. The illness is a form of negativity (an emotional damage very much alive in our cells and beliefs) that pervades our civilization.
You can recognize its appearance in others, but how do you know if it is in you? And if it is, what can you do about it? Read the resolution to a divided world.
The first of four books that give us a path to a new civilization
The Solution
This book is larger than it appears to be in the image above.
The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want. The most recent editions are made available first at, the book manufacturer. To ensure you get the latest version of William Eastwood's regularly updated books, buy through
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"Consciousness creates reality and thoughts form matter! If you want to be powerful you have to go by the facts about reality and that means discovering the truth! Otherwise you are as blind as a bat and ineffective as a sloth!
Can thoughts create matter? The question is answered
The main article continues below.