Are Consciousness & Matter the Same Thing? What’s the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality?

Equation depicts questions are-consciousness-matter-the-same-thing-what-is-electromagnetic-field-wave-mind

Thoughts create matter founder

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




Are Consciousness & Matter the Same Thing? What’s the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality?

  • Are consciousness and matter the same thing?
  • What is the difference between thoughts and physical reality?


I will answer these questions now.


The problem of acceptance is prejudice, not lack of evidence

We can change the world together promote sponsor Eastwood plan books make your mark on history
Eastwood today.

There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science theory than physicalism.




“The man of science is a poor philosopher.”

— Albert Einstein


“The illusion of physicalism supports the main premise of Internal Science—that what we believe is projected holographically—even if what we believe is an error.

“Repeatedly we see evidence in history where those who challenge accepted myths are attacked or somehow marginalized. Certain people will work toward your demise if they interpret you as threatening, regardless of fundamental errors in their worldview or extremely degrading ignorance.”

— William Eastwood


The fact that people project their beliefs fools them into thinking that their beliefs are reality.
A website article.



Cognitive dissonance is when we reject new ideas because they threaten our worldview

It’s easier to murder people, and William Eastwood is not the first.

Socrates was made to drink poison Hemlock as punishment for corrupting Athenian youth by teaching them to question the status quo. The Socrates school was burned to the ground.

History is full of examples of scientists and sages who were executed.



“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

— Albert Einstein

Creator of Internal Science & International Philosophy



At age 12, William Eastwood said, “I can change the world,” and he picked up a pencil.

Less than a year later, William’s school counselor called Yale University.


William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13


William Eastwood true story by thoughts create matter
Click on the article above to learn more.


“People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves.” — Carolyn Battista, 1979 Eastwood press interviewer.



Thoughts create matter founder

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.


William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


“Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.” — Camille, The Edge Magazine.





Reemerging 40 years after working for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors — and creating Internal Science, International Philosophy, publishing 30 BOOKS, and 500+ articles in five yearsbecause he has a PLAN.



Header for William Eastwood created Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own to develop a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams. He gives us Internal Science and International philosophy, by the people for the people.


The new scientist & Internal Science
A article.
International Philosophy William Eastwood: Your thoughts create your reality
A website article.




I Am Not an Ordinary Scientist: Internal Science & International Philosophy
A website article.



Founder of Earth Network & the Altruistic Movement




As of October 14th, government restrictions have elapsed, and for the first time in 25 years, Eastwood can speak publicly about what happened to him without being sent to prison where his life would be in danger.


A book so powerful that government agents confiscated the manuscript before it was even published. In it you learn what the government doesn’t want you to know. Eastwood served four years in prison for rewriting it and making “The Solution…” available to the public. Now that it has been rewritten a third time, it is available to the public.



What is going on behind the scenes in the world today? There will be a film to reveal how the world is locked in a dangerous trance. Do you want to be corralled like a sheep, your destiny fixed? Eastwood wants to get everyone out of the nightmare.


The film movie dragon slayer William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.



What is so special about our film?

It’s based on real world events happening behind the scenes.



Thoughts Create Matter presents a powerful film


Why the human race may not survive

The film that reveals what is going on behind the scenes.


The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film
A article.


It’s not just me

Top physicists are telling us that the universe is a projection, but we don’t listen to them.



“You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. The science of the physical world gives us technology, but the science I provide gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know.”

— William Eastwood.



David Bohm

David Bohm, Einstein's friend and one of the most important 20th century physicists that said there is not sharp distinction between thoughts and matter
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.



Hugh Everett III

CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES MATTER: Scientific Proof & Facts: Hugh Everett Thoughts create reality
Hugh Everett.
[The Many-worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III



“If you want to understand reality, who and what you are, and how matter is formed from energy, combine these two views and look at reality not through the lens of physicalism, but through the worldview that takes the source of the physical universe into account.

“Look at what the facts are telling us: The two most widely referenced experiments in quantum physics—the double-slit experiment and the observer effect—are telling us that the physical universe is a projection.

“This makes perfect sense: Particles and events exist on an inner level of the universe as probabilities (which are infinite in number). From a deeper level of reality (a nonphysical field of potential), the mind projects specific observed events. In other words, we must take into account the source of the physical world to make sense of the science and reality. When we do that it is all clear. 

“Internal Science  is the study of reality that takes into account the source of the physical universe.

“International Philosophy tells us how the projection works and how to control events—an extremely valuable thing to know.”

The projection is controlled by the mind (International Philosophy and Belief Projection [BP]). This is just the way the universe works, friends, and the sooner we wake up to this fact the better off we will be.”

— William Eastwood.


You don’t have to understand science to create what you want in life. I can help you to achieve your goals and create wealth based on my 50-year study of the principles of practical application of Internal Science, which is International Philosophy.


You can also click on and read any of my 500+ free articles or any of my 25 books (one of which is free).

Beliefs create reality and thoughts create matter
An website article.


Your power is in your worldview. Unlimited human potential can be activated by your worldview. Einstein told us that the universe responds to your level of understanding.


A website article.


The world is in a dangerous trance!
“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates



William Eastwood, Founder of the Altruistic  Movement & Earth Network



“Consciousness creates reality and thoughts form matter! If you want to be powerful you have to go by the facts about reality and that means discovering the truth! Otherwise you are as blind as a bat and ineffective as a sloth!

“Holographic Universe, by David Bohm, Albert Einstein’s friend and colleague, supports that premise.


Thoughts create matter presents internal science.
An website article.


Consciousness and matter are the same thing

Are Consciousness & Matter the Same Thing? WE What's the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality?
William Eastwood.

Consciousness and matter are the same thing, only the intensity is generally less with thoughts. Both thoughts and the physical universe are constructed entirely of electromagnetic fields, as explained below.

Consciousness and matter are basically the same thing. The difference between consciousness and matter is the same as the difference between water and ice. Both are the same substance. Both matter and consciousness are electromagnetic energy.

The science we grew up with is limited, and the scientific method can only go so far. We need a paradigm-shift in the way in which we obtain information to establish facts.

Are Consciousness & Matter the Same Thing? UN
The inner UN.

Physical scientific instruments are designed to probe physical aspects of the universe. They cannot register or probe consciousness. Consciousness always escapes the scrutiny of the physical instruments that traditionally science has used to study the universe.

In fact, the reason why the physicalism paradigm exists at all is because of this fact. The scientific instruments used in the scientific method of gathering information cannot detect the inner reality of consciousness that gives rise to matter.

As a result, inner reality is absent from the paradigm of reality that mainstream science settled on. Mainstream science ends up with a distorted picture of reality, a paradigm based on a false premise.



Objective science hasn’t answered important questions

What is an electromagnetic field?

The scientific establishment does not know what an electromagnetic field is.

If you ask a scientist what an electromagnetic field is, 99% will say “it is a fundamental entity, it’s not made of anything else, it just is what it is.” They leave that question to philosophers because they cannot answer it.

A wave, electron (matter) and a photon are an excitation of an electromagnetic field; thus, a wave, electron (matter) and photon are in essence an electromagnetic field. All three are different states of the same thing—the fundamental electromagnetic field — so, what is an electromagnetic field?

Are Consciousness and Matter the Same Thing? What's the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality? UN
The Inner UN.

The scientific establishment cannot tell you what electromagnetic fields are. Since everything is an electromagnetic field, mainstream science does not know what anything is.



Consciousness Is an Electromagnetic Field


Since science as a whole does not know what an electromagnetic field is, orthodox science does not know what anything is. Yet science claims to know that thoughts do not create matter!

We can thus safely say that the formula below could be correct — it is not disproven.




Consciousness = Electromagnetic field = Matter.


"Einstein operated within the Internal Science paradigm before it was even recognized. Carefully consider his words below if you want to understand what Internal Science is and is not."

— William Eastwood.


ALBERT EINSTEIN SAYS: “The man of science is a poor philosopher."

    • “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
    • “I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.
    • “The man of science is a poor philosopher.
    • “I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking
    • “I believe in intuitions and inspirations...I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.
    • “The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

― Albert Einstein.




If you say everything comes from the big bang, the big bang is no different than a wizard's "poof," because it is basically just a magical appearance of something from nothing. Objective science cannot explain why we exist or how we came to be. Internal Science, however, can.


Max Planck

Max Plank

Max Planck, Nobel Prize Winning father of quantum mechanics says, “I regard matter as a derivative from consciousness.” The Observer, 1931.



Bernard d’Espagnat

Bernard d'Espagnat says thoughts are part of the inner force that creates material events
Bernard d’Espagnat.

“The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment.”

— Bernard d’Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.



The world’s prominent physicists

An explanation of how consciousness creates matter is inherent in wave-particle duality.

The concept of an alive universe, a universe entirely composed of consciousness, is supported by the greatest scientific discovery of all time.

Louis de Broglie

In his 1924 Ph.D. thesis and groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory, Nobel Prize winner,Louis de Broglie postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties.

This concept is known aswave–particle duality, and forms a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics.

His 1924 thesis (Research on the Theory of the Quanta) based on the work of Max Planck and Albert Einstein on light, resulted in the de Broglie hypothesis that any moving particle or object had an associated wave. De Broglie thus created a new field in physics, or wave mechanics, uniting the physics of energy (wave) and matter (particle).

De Broglie developed a causal explanation of wave mechanics, which was refined by David Bohm in the 1950s.

The theory has since been known as the De Broglie–Bohm theory. His theory was supported by Einstein, and confirmed by G P Thomson, Davisson, Germer and Schrödinger.

De Broglie’s wave–particle duality is extended to all particles and the laws of nature. This tells us that everything has a wave aspect.  


Are consciousness and matter the same thing where matter is formed
A website article.


Thoughts create matter says physical particles do not exist.
A website article.


Physical matter is composed of non-solid fields of electrical energy. Waves are disturbances in those fields. Waves are the closest we get to particles, but waves are just energy moving around very fast.


A website article.



Do quantum physicists say that thoughts create matter?

Do my thoughts create? Einstein believed it!

Many physicists do believe the universe is made up of or contains consciousness, but they do not usually professionally or publicly-announce it.

Most physicists stop short of publicly saying thoughts create matter and that consciousness is primary because saying so is a form of scientific heresy that invites attack from a prejudice majority.

Our institutions and legal system are also based on the old mechanistic paradigm. If it were true that thoughts create matter, that new premise would dismantle most accumulated knowledge in all fields.


Internal Science utilizes consciousness as a tool to probe the universe

The Inner UN. Are Consciousness & Matter the Same Thing? What's the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality?
The Inner UN.

Internal Science relies on consciousness as the means of determining facts. Einstein used his consciousness to discover facts and to produce his theory of relativity. His quotes below suggest other than conventional methods of gathering information for his theories.



Albert Einstein on intuition and new (Internal) science

Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion
Albert Einstein transcended the scientific intellect to acquire E=MC² and to become the definition of genius in the eyes of the world. The knowledge he tapped is in you. This is International Philosophy and Internal Science.

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

“I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.

“The man of science is a poor philosopher.

“I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking

“I believe in intuitions and inspirations…I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

― Albert Einstein.


Read more…


Einstein’s colleague, David Bohm explains that everything in existence is one unbroken field of energy which he calls the holomovement. He divides the universe into two states, 1) manifest and 2) unmanifest.

Bohm calls the unmanifest “information” or the implicate order, and the manifest he calls the explicate order.

The entire universe exists first as an inner energy of unlimited potential. From an inner world of pure information and probable events, David Bohm says, that physical, observable phenomena unfold according to instructions given from within information in the wave. That process of manifestation has been called the collapse of the wave function by many scientists.




Science has also established that there are no physical particles, only fields of energy.


A website article.


If all of reality is one substance (as Bohm says it is), then that means that the un-manifest and manifest states are the same thing. This implies that your thoughts and matter are the same thing. Combine that conclusion with Bohm’s science that says information determines what manifests and it implies that everything is consciousness and consciousness forms matter.

Bohm’s holographic reality theory states that the mind, brain and five senses project reality. This is what I discovered in the 1970’s, years before Bohm published Wholeness and the Implicate Order” in the 1980s.


A website article.


Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A website article.


Create the life you want with the book that can solve all problems, both public and private

Why was "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," so important in world history?

"The Solution..." has the intrigue of Nicolaus Copernicus's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," a book that was important because from it we learned that the earth was not the center of the universe.

Now another paradigm-shift is taking place, and "The Solution..." has many similarities to Copernicus's book.

"The human race is in the most important transition since the birth of self-consciousness." — William Eastwood.

"When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can learn how easy it is to change it." — William Eastwood.

This unique book has the potential to stop violence, division, unhappiness, destructive institutions and even illness, and will instead create peace and prosperity for humanity.

More importantly, Eastwood's book tells you exactly how to create wealth, money, love, health and everything desirable based on his formula derived largely from the science of theoretical physicist, David Bohm, a former colleague and friend of Albert Einstein.


The intrigue, the mystery... what is so important about this book?

Thoughts create matter presents: The Solution by William Eastwood.
Eastwood's 450 page debut.

"The Solution..." has the intrigue of Nicolaus Copernicus's "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," a book that changed the universe.

"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution." — Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.C.


The Rosenthal effect explains why scientists can prove their theories even if they are incorrect! This is the reason for dangerous fake news and division in America.

Eastwood does not use scientific terminology that is difficult to understand. Every book he writes tells you how to create what you want in life in a plain and simple language that anyone in any country can understand. 

Why is Eastwood someone we should listen to?

Is it because he worked for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors?

Not necessarily. But it does make you wonder what this kind of person wants to tell you after 45 years of research into the real cause of humanity's problems and the science of someone Albert Einstein worked with and defended at Princeton.

Do not neglect the solution to all of humanity's problems and the secret to creating the life you want! Everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private. Get “The Solution...” now, and add it to your best book collection!

"People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves." — Carolyn Battista, 1979 interview of Eastwood at age 16.


A book that is the solution to all your problems




According to Albert Einstein's colleague David Bohm, the mind projects the events we then perceive. Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, "the holographic theory of consciousness" may have replaced physicalism as our world's accepted science. (Documentation Princeton University.)


The inevitable paradigm-shift in mainstream science has begun.

The holographic theory of consciousness

The holographic theory of consciousness is largely based on the science of David Bohm. While the scientific method is reductionist and dissects to understand, Bohm's science is holistic, thus allowing Bohm's Internal Science to understand consciousness and External Science to fail to understand.

The holographic theory of consciousness says that the information in the whole is contained in each of its parts.

Electromagnetic waves have an infinite information storage capacity. When waves interact, it is called interference and the original information from each wave in an interference pattern survives and can be extracted from each wave and read regardless.

Based on this view, the brain is understood to be a transmitter and receiver of information. The brain is a bioelectrical organism. The brain draws from the electromagnetic interference patterns that exist around us at all times. The brain thus draws from all information and adds new information to the whole.

Information is not stored in the brain; it is stored in the electromagnetic fields around us. Your thoughts, emotions and memories are not dependent on the existence of the brain. You exist as an individualized portion of the entire universe of information or what Bohm called the holomovement.

Your consciousness is a portion of the total electromagnetic field of the entire multidimensional universe.

Scattered thoughts display incoherence, meaning they go off in all directions from their point of origin, whereas focused thoughts are coherent like laser light. Focusing beliefs, thoughts and emotions is thus the key to personal power and the ability to both pick up information intuitively and manifest goals physically.

The brain, Bohm says, "may act like an antenna" to pick up information from the entire field of information of the universe.

Bohm says that if the mind is preoccupied with outer levels of reality, it is less able to pick up subtle information from the electromagnetic field. To pick up information from any source requires tuning to the frequency of the information sought.

The heart and body must be in coherence with the information of the subtle energies sought in order to experience profound intuition and identification.

To increase your bioelectrical sensitivity requires focusing and tuning the mind.

Bohm indicates that the “explicate order” (physical reality) is a projection from the “implicate order” (an inner reality of information) which underlies everything. Information guides the process by which matter is organized as the forms we then perceive. The collapsing wave function enters in, thus introducing the role human consciousness plays in the formation of the universe. Without an observer there is "only" electromagnetic energy containing information (consciousness).

Internal Science and International Philosophy adds its own unique perspective in a way that makes sense of Bohm's holographic universe.


Your thoughts create matter mind technology
A website article.


"Inner nonphysical probable events are selected according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions and thereby projected and experienced as being physical by our five senses. My books and articles explain how you control the process."

— William Eastwood


I offer the practical, easy to understand International Philosophy application of internal science principles.


Thougthts create matter time travel and probable selves.
A website article.




A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.


Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.



Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book

Journey out of the illusion


Holographic Universe Journey Out of the Illusion book ebook by William Eastwood




EASTWOOD IS NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU: His proposition that your thoughts create matter is powerful and his arguments against "all accumulated knowledge" are profound.

If you don't believe it, read the article below.


Your beliefs are very important. Who are you going to believe?


Who are you going to listen to, those who were swayed by POLITICS, or 5 Nobel Prize winners?


Thoughts create reality 5 Nobel prize winners
A website article.



Why do people see what they want to see? (The cause of divisiveness)


Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A website article.


The science explains.

A website article.


I am not a traditional educator


The world is in a dangerous trance!
“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates
If you want to clear your mind of all the negativity and inaccuracies, reset with my daily affirmation post.



Click on image to learn more.


Thoughts create matter presents: The compounded placebo effect.
A website article.


A websites article.


Why science religion told us our thoughts do not create our physical reality matter events
A website article.


A website article.


Founder of Earth Network & the Altruistic Movement




As of October 14th, government restrictions have elapsed, and for the first time in 25 years, Eastwood can speak publicly about what happened to him without being sent to prison where his life would be in danger.


A book so powerful that government agents confiscated the manuscript before it was even published. In it you learn what the government doesn’t want you to know. Eastwood served four years in prison for rewriting it and making “The Solution…” available to the public. Now that it has been rewritten a third time, it is available to the public.



What is going on behind the scenes in the world today? There will be a film to reveal how the world is locked in a dangerous trance. Do you want to be corralled like a sheep, your destiny fixed? Eastwood wants to get everyone out of the nightmare.


The film movie dragon slayer William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.



What is so special about our film?

It’s based on real world events happening behind the scenes.



Thoughts Create Matter presents a powerful film


Why the human race may not survive

The film that reveals what is going on behind the scenes.


The Dragon Slayer Prophecy film
A article.



Thoughts create matter header for sites



Make an investment in yourself and help the whole world!

Click book manufacturer to  purchase direct. Click the image below for our list of hard copy and eBooks to fund our mission to create a new kind of civilization. Click, I want the audiobook to make every day of my life the best day possible.


Thoughts Create Matter eBooks books
An book list.



We need more compassion & less ego



When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A website article.



When you buy through, the profits that would otherwise go to a 2nd big corporation serve instead as a donation to help people who desperately need help. is the manufacturer and carries the latest editions of our books.




Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.




Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book




book header

"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.



How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback
Published in May, 2024.




Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William


Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood


Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




What's your best memory? Make it happen again but better this time! The audiobook that will change your life forever.


Thoughts create matter presents audio book just listen, learn & manifest
An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.


Manifesting technology! An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.

  • The first 30 sets of affirmations and guidance from Earth Network's daily affirmation post.
  • Just listen at any time—especially as you are falling asleep—and you will manifest your goals.


Reset for success

  • Change your mood for instant powerful mind power.
  • Visualize your desires (with guided meditation). 
  • Turn downtime like waiting in lines and traffic into your most productive time.
  • Use while falling asleep to trigger fantastic dreams that will manifest goals and intrinsic desires.
  • This book contains the amazingly effective affirmations developed by William Eastwood and posted on the Earth Network daily affirmation pages.


Narration by Scott Eastwood, singer for Carbon Red

The Tree by Carbon Red contains a powerful message.



Also available in eBook format

The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

Ebook version of audio book.


"How Do I Make This the Best Day Possible? Manifest While You Sleep."








For consistency of accurate material.


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Are Consciousness and Matter the Same Thing? What’s the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality?

© Copyright 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, By: William Eastwood



Primary article concludes here.






Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy





Categories: Are consciousness and matter the same thing? What’s the difference between mind & physical reality? What is the Zero Point Field? How do my thoughts create matter? What is the source of physical reality? How does my mind & consciousness create my reality? Click on our site to learn more.


Are Consciousness and Matter the Same Thing? What’s the Difference Between Mind & Physical Reality?

Scientists do not usually wonder if there is a nonphysical source for physical reality because the question would make no sense in light of widely accepted materialism. The scientific establishment and the entire civilization that gets its worldview from traditional science has long ago accepted the view that the world operates like a big physical machine.

Scientist do not know what electromagnetic fields are. They leave that question to philosophers (perhaps because they cannot answer it).

There is no real difference between consciousness and matter. This is not a theory this is just a fact. Consciousness and physical matter are both electromagnetic fields.



