Best Metaphysics Teachers Offering Free Guidance & Daily Affirmations
- The best metaphysics teacher offering free guidance and daily affirmations.
- An experienced metaphysics teacher with over 20 books.
- The founder of International Philosophy and Internal Science, the Inner UN and the Altruistic Movement.
Diverting your attention from the negative to the positive is often all it takes to begin turning a difficult moment around. When done long enough, it will begin changing days and weeks. If the determination to change negatives to positives continues, it will change your life for the better.
You create your own reality: Believe the positive
You create your reality according to your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. By believing in the positive probabilities you select those events as your reality. Nothing is more positive than the truth, and it is the truth that will set you free.
You can live in a condition of love as a state of being as soon as you believe it is possible to do so. Millions of individuals have already taken this step in their conscious evolution.
You can rise to a higher level through awareness of the all-pervading divine within everything. We live in a hologram of immense proportions in which all things are possible. The inherent divine is the implicit divine in all things which makes all things possible.
Best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations
William Eastwood is one of the best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations. His story begins way back in his early childhood. At about age seven he manifests treasure and then at age 13 he uses the principles he now teaches to begin his life’s work.
Less than a year later, William’s school counselor called Yale University.
Metaphysical teacher extraordinaire
Best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations.
The best free guidance and advice below.
Eastwood is the founder of International Philosophy and Internal Science, the Inner UN and the Altruistic Movement.
Prolific author
International Political Influencer

Get help and give help on an inner level of reality
The Inner United Nations at
Eastwood & in 2023.
Free affirmations and advice are posted daily
William Eastwood offers free metaphysical affirmations and guidance daily. Click the affirmation icons below to go to the daily affirmation and guidance page on this site. From there you can access his free affirmations and guidance on three additional websites. On his four sites he teaches all the important lessons on living a good life, finding love and happiness and on how to be happy and manifest what you want in life. He does this completely free. There are no obligations and you do not have to buy anything. In fact, he says,
“All the knowledge you need is in yourself, I only awaken the genius, power and love within you.”
45 years researching the principles of conscious creation
Become powerful.
Create wealth.
Manifest your dreams.
The most generous advice.
The most experience.