
William Eastwood is a descendant of King John, who signed the Magna Carta, and King Henry Il.

William’s mother is Ann Borden Doolittle. William is related to General Jimmy Doolittle, who turned the tide against the Japanese in World War II, and Clint Eastwood. He is also 10% Mohawk Indian.
William’s appearance resembles the Doolittle’s more so than the Eastwood’s.
William Eastwood is the 11th generation from Abraham Doolittle who was born in England in 1620. Abraham emigrated to Boston in 1641.
The planters (Doolittle family) that came from England were descended from nobility and educated. Abraham Doolittle was a Puritan and disagreed with the government and the Church of England.
The Doolittle family was well to do and were seeking religious freedom. They were afraid the government would confiscate their possessions.
Samuel (Chief Executive Officer of New Haven Colony in the early 1600s) who was one of Abraham’s sons, was married to Mary Cornwall, (who’s father, Reverend Peck, was an original proprietor of Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, [the Constitution State]).
William is from the line of Samuel.
Mary’s ancestry goes back 15 generations to her direct ancestor, John Plantagenet, King of England. King John signed the Magna Carta and his father was Henry Plantagenet, King Henry ll of England.
All descendants of Samuel are descendants of two of the Kings of England.
William Eastwood is a descendant of two kings of England, one of which signed the Magna Carta, which some consider the greatest document in the world.
The Magna Carta is a human rights document, the first of its kind in world history.
Altruistic Movement Redirect Civilization
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The past can be changed to change the future. And the future can be changed to change the past. All parts of the whole interact and change each other.