Are Time & Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? Do Other Dimensions Exist?


Thoughts create matter founder

The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13This is documented in the public record.

"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.


Are Time & Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? Do Other Dimensions Exist?

  • Are time and space an illusion?
  • Is this the only reality?
  • Do other dimensions exist?


I will answer these questions now.


Yes, time and space are an illusion. All that exists is an infinite present moment in which all things happen. Everything happens at the same time and in the same space. Locations are electromagnetic frequencies. All locations exist at all times.

This is not the only reality. You exist in an infinity of other dimensions and worlds. In our terms, the probable field consists of unmanifested images and ideas. It is a powerhouse of emotional and psychic idea images. We can create just about anything when we learn how to draw from the field of probabilities.

Each line of reincarnational experiences have their own probable lines of development.

There are reincarnational lives lived within your current line of probability. These are real and happening now, but from your perspective they are un-manifested. From the standpoint of your selves living in other times, you are unmanifested. The truth is that these other dimensions of your being are real and exist as valid realities that comprise the oversoul, inner self and entity.


“When fiction is fact and fact is fiction, you need to educate yourself. All that exists is an infinite present moment. Your sense of free-will and choice comes from the existence of probabilities. You create your life by selecting probable events from the field of probabilities.”

— William Eastwood


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Holographic reality universe David Bohm Einstein Eastwood
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Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
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Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
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The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
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The fact that people project their beliefs fools them into thinking that their beliefs are reality.
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Are time and space an illusion?

Are Time & Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? WE Do Other Dimensions Exist?
William Eastwood explains how time & space are an illusion & we exist in other dimensions simultaneously.

Yes, time and space are an illusion, but the illusion is real. You are not in time progressing from one moment to the next. Instead, you are in the center of a system of probabilities. Probabilities are non-physical events you can manifest according to what you believe is possible.

We are in this dimension to learn how to direct energy responsibly. This is not the only reality. There are many other systems, and some are more advanced than ours. In some, the illusion of time does not exist.

In other dimensions the illusion of time does not exist and instead occupants think in terms of exploring infinite simultaneous existence. Time, as I explain below, is just a way of petitioning off digestible bits of information so that you are not overwhelmed by simultaneous probabilities.

We agree to basic assumptions before we enter time-space. The rules are that we all agree that we exist in time and space. Because our beliefs create our reality, this core belief creates the illusion of forward motion in time.

Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

If you understand that the past does not create the present then you are free to manifest a much greater number of probabilities. When I seemed stuck because of past events I developed a series of affirmations to escape, which I did. Now I share those affirmations on four websites.



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Einstein believed time was an illusion. The theory of relativity shows that time and space are not absolute.




Because time and space are an illusion, my books all teach manifesting in simultaneous time.



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Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

You create the past from the present moment. You choose your past according to your current beliefs. The past is a projection from the present and is no more and no less real than the future.

The present moment is a range of perception.


can i change my past present future
A website article.


Thoughts create matter presents C=Ef+M. Consciousness and matter are the same thing.
A website article.



Each time-period is a stage

All probable pasts, presents and futures exist now.

All times continue to evolve. A given time, such as a year in history, is a platform on which new seasons of events can grow. You experienced 2017, yet there are many 2017’s. As more than one generation may occupy your family home, more than one set of occupants will experience 2017.

Each time period is a stage on which events continue. In the same way a farmer will grow a different crop each season on his plot of land, each time in history serves as a platform for events. Think of the year 2015 as being like a plot of land. Instead of a crop of corn, crops of events can be grown multiple times in 2015. 2015 continues, but it is not the 2015 you experienced.

Events grow in time-periods instead of on plots of land. These events are probabilities. Examples of how this works exist if you know where to look.




According to Albert Einstein's colleague David Bohm, the mind projects the events we then perceive. Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, "the holographic theory of consciousness" may have replaced physicalism as our world's accepted science. (Documentation Princeton University.)

"The five senses project and then perceive. Everything is consciousness. The mind exists in the electromagnetic field surrounding you, and uses the body and brain to perceive physical reality. Human consciousness is thus able to project its beliefs, thoughts and emotions into material events and objects."

—William Eastwood


The fact that people project their beliefs fools them into thinking that their beliefs are reality.
A article.


The holographic theory of consciousness

The holographic theory of consciousness is largely based on the science of David Bohm. While the scientific method is reductionist and dissects to understand, Bohm's science is holistic, thus allowing Bohm's Internal Science to understand consciousness and External Science to fail to understand.

The holographic theory of consciousness says that the information in the whole is contained in each of its parts.

Electromagnetic waves have an infinite information storage capacity. When waves interact, it is called interference and the original information from each wave in an interference pattern survives and can be extracted from each wave and read regardless.

Based on this view, the brain is understood to be a transmitter and receiver of information. The brain is a bioelectrical organism. The brain draws from the electromagnetic interference patterns that exist around us at all times. The brain thus draws from all information and adds new information to the whole.

Information is not stored in the brain; it is stored in the electromagnetic fields around us. Your thoughts, emotions and memories are not dependent on the existence of the brain. You exist as an individualized portion of the entire universe of information or what Bohm called the holomovement.

Your consciousness is a portion of the total electromagnetic field of the entire multidimensional universe.


Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
A article.


Scattered thoughts display incoherence, meaning they go off in all directions from their point of origin, whereas focused thoughts are coherent like laser light. Focusing beliefs, thoughts and emotions is thus the key to personal power and the ability to both pick up information intuitively and manifest goals physically.

The brain, Bohm says, "may act like an antenna" to pick up information from the entire field of information of the universe.

Bohm says that if the mind is preoccupied with outer levels of reality, it is less able to pick up subtle information from the electromagnetic field. To pick up information from any source requires tuning to the frequency of the information sought.

The heart and body must be in coherence with the information of the subtle energies sought in order to experience profound intuition and identification.

To increase your bioelectrical sensitivity requires focusing and tuning the mind.

Bohm indicates that the “explicate order” (physical reality) is a projection from the “implicate order” (an inner reality of information) which underlies everything. Information guides the process by which matter is organized as the forms we then perceive. The collapsing wave function enters in, thus introducing the role human consciousness plays in the formation of the universe. Without an observer there is "only" electromagnetic energy containing information (consciousness).

Internal Science and International Philosophy adds its own unique perspective in a way that makes sense of Bohm's holographic universe.

Can thoughts create matter? The question is answered

Can thoughts create matter science




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Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
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The fact that people project their beliefs fools them into thinking that their beliefs are reality.
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Are some people stuck & unable to learn
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"A major physics discovery in January 2023 advances Internal Science and David Bohm's holographic universe theory."

— William Eastwood


January 2023 report: A significant new discovery in physics

Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood
William Eastwood in Durango Colorado in 2023.

Reported in January 2023, A team of physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have used light that existed at the beginning of the universe to smash gold ions, and in doing so have discovered dissimilar particles undergoing quantum entanglement.

Imagine an alien civilization a trillion years in the future on the opposite side of the universe from an ancient planet that existed prior to the formation of the earth. According to the study's finding, instantaneous exchange of information is possible between these two points in time and space.

How is this possible?

The answer is startling!



A new article.

Quantum entanglement is a violation of classic physics but not Internal Science.
An feature article.


Recent scientific discoveries

"Physicists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) have discovered a completely new type of quantum entanglement..."



Multiple observers are responsible for creating our physical reality by collapsing non-physical fields into physical matter we call the universe.

Observers create reality out of non-physical fields.

The quantum hologram theory (the holographic theory of consciousness).


Photo by: Willian West.


Is this the Only Reality?  Do All Events Exist Now in the Spacious Present?  Do Other Dimensions Exist?  Can I Travel to My Past & future?


The moment point is a range of perception


Reality is like the internet, but with many realities (unlimited times and dimensions) instead of websites. If time was a mansion with many rooms, “when you are” just designates what room you are in.

‘When something exists’ is exactly like a room because any given moment in time is no more than ‘a limited field of perception,’ set according to what you are able to easily perceive out of an unlimited field of information. That’s all it is. A moment point is a range of perception.

Time, therefore, as we know it is only perceptual limitation. It is a way of organizing infinite perceptual stimuli by narrowing it down into manageable amounts of information. If we perceived too much information we would be overwhelmed and unable to make sense of it all. We would not be able to act effectively within our environment if we could perceive past, present and future probabilities at the same time.

When you look at yourself in the mirror you see a reflection of your beliefs about who and what you are. The condition of your body is a perfect reflection of your beliefs about yourself, philosophical beliefs about time, and your belief about what you are becoming (older).

To become biologically younger you must alter your beliefs.



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Published in May, 2024.

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How to Manifest - A Guide book by William Eastwood 2024
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Manifest anything you want every day!





Space is an illusion

A website article.


You are your probable selves and can manifest any aspect of them into your current life.
A website article.


Space does not take up space

Time is a way to organize experience.

Time is not the only illusion. The existence of space is also an illusion. In truth, everything is everywhere.  There are no definite physical locations, with definite divisions between environments and objects. Through inner pathways any given point in the universe opens up to every other point in the universe.

This has been confirmed by quantum tunneling. In the wave state objects can move through solid objects. An object can disappear in one location and appear a million light years away.

The entire universe is enfolded in any given point in what you think of as space. If everything was destroyed but one atom in your small finger, that atom could recreate the entire universe.




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Physical reality is continually recreated

Creation is ongoing.

Like a lightbulb emitting light, your environment is speeding past you at the speed of light. Reality is a holographic projection of consciousness, which is a form of light.

You understand that electricity or light is continually creating the programs on your TV. This is not so different from the way reality works.

Electricity and light operate as millions of continuous pulsations. Consciousness creates reality in the same way. Reality is recreated continuously millions of times per second.


Reality is destroyed and recreated millions of times in a fraction of a second


Reality is pulsating, so that your entire reality is completely destroyed and recreated many millions of times every fraction of a second. Nothing can carry-over from the past because of the terminations that occur (there is no past). Instead, each recreation is based on what you believe, think and feel.

Your physical environment seems to be relatively stable and consistent and it appears that plants and animals grow from past to future, yet that is not what takes place. Belief and telepathic agreement create continuity from one recreation to the next. Because beliefs are consistent, reality is not recreated in a completely different form. Instead, it follows at pattern of similar recreations that flow from the consistency of beliefs, thoughts and feelings.

The lag or delay that exists when we manifest new thoughts provides continuity and protection. A horrible fear does not usually immediately manifest.


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Reality has levels

Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

All actions and all events reside within the inner levels of reality which form this dimension. The physical universe itself has as many layers, but they are nonphysical. The physical universe of time-space is created within inner levels of nonphysical reality. These inner levels are made up of consciousness, like your own subconscious or dreams.

The levels are not like layers in a cake. Inner reality exists within the same space physical reality occupies.




You are multidimensional

There-is-no-time-space-reality-1a-246Other dimensions coexist in the same space you are in now. You do not see the people walking by in those realities only because you are not attuned to those frequencies. In the same way hundreds of movies are within the earth’s atmosphere to be picked up by a TV antenna, unlimited dimensions exist within the space in which reality occupies.

You enter many of these infinite probable worlds when you are deep in sleep. Dreams are often translations of other dimensions you experienced in deep protected layers of sleep.



A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.


Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.

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Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book

Journey out of the illusion


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Is this the only reality?

Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

This is not the only reality.  Other realities exist and you have experiences in many other realities. The human soul is multidimensional.

You can experience the past and you can even change it. New events are born in the past all the time. Affirmations can create new past events. You can experience other times, dimensions and realities and you can use affirmations to attract and manifest desirable elements of probabilities.


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” If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Nikola Tesla


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Audiobook Powerful International Philosophy
Listen, learn & manifest.



Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences.


Powerful & effective affirmations & lessons to change your life immediately THAT DO WORK!

William Eastwood's official photo of gentleman author

"You are one click away from changing everything in your life for the better with powerful daily affirmations and lessons! If you read the affirmations on the course page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day.

"If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page or don't assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen." —Eastwood


Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
New affirmations every day.


We can transform the world with this information very easily: The New Altruistic Movement, my film and books are for that purpose

Our feature page is a platform for you to express your spontaneously altruistic nature and to receive the benefits of others who are expressing their spontaneously altruistic nature.



The main article resumes:


The mind, or consciousness can explore infinite dimensions

Are Time & Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? WE Do Other Dimensions Exist?
William Eastwood explains how time & space are an illusion & we exist in other dimensions simultaneously.

Other time periods and other dimensions are simply other frequencies. Deeper portions of yourself know how to tune into and hence enter other frequencies. Just below consciousness you are aware of other events emerging into awareness. Many of your thoughts and imaginings have their source in other times.

You navigate through probabilities every day without knowing you do. At deeper levels you also come into contact with other lives you are living in other times (which are actually simultaneous lives).

Our thoughts create the illusion of time, space & matter and they can free us from all restrictions.





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Hologram of consciousness?

Is your life a hologram you are creating?

Science is getting closer to obtaining an understanding of the nature of reality as  and reveal.

Reality, being a holographic projection of your five senses, is not singular. Each person creates their own hologram. When born, we tune into collective beliefs as to what exists and this enables each person to agree on the fundamentals as to what exists. The result is a belief in a singular reality we all inhabit, yet the one world, one time-line traditional view of reality is a myth.

THE NEW PARADIGM The Amazing Facts

To understand reality and how you have control over what you experience visit free real school,  see  Noble Prize Winner’s Findings or visit the Thoughts Create Matter home page.

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You are in your own hologram

Man in hologram of earth on road at nigh depicts the fact that we create our reality with our thoughts
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Other probabilities and time periods will be explored

This is the new frontier.

Physical objects cannot travel to the past or future, but the mind can. Consciousness will be the vehicle by which future scientist explore reality. Unknown realities will become known as they are explored by mental projection. Again, this is confirmed by quantum tunneling. Consciousness can move through solid objects. A Conscious Energy Unit (CEU) can disappear in one location and appear a million light years away IN ANOTHER TIME AND PROBABILITY.




“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school. “

— Albert Einstein


Application of the new paradigm

Life is not a lineal progression from past to present to future. The past does not create the present. Your current beliefs, thoughts and emotions do. Because thoughts change, experience changes.

Because beliefs, thoughts and emotions change gradually reality changes gradually, and this creates the illusion of progress through time.

Physical growth from past to present is an illusion. Events grow out of an inner core of your psyche, and they are projected into a kind of shared platform we call time-space.

Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

Manifesting is all about understanding that you exist in the middle of a web of infinite probabilities and drawing what you want next by proper focusing. We draw from and infinite field of probable realities to form our current experience according to our beliefs, thoughts and emotions.





Manifesting techniques

Positive emotions select positive probabilities.

Your reality is a selection of probabilities. When you use suggestion, try saying to yourself “I have always been able to make a lot of money,” and see and feel the reality of probabilities in which what you are affirming is true. Do so realizing that what you are saying is true.

To shift yourself to a prosperous line of probabilities requires a new skill set. If you understand that you create from the spacious present, you will be able to do what I just suggested effectively. You must understand that the probabilities in which you are rich are just as real as the ones in which you are not.

Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

If you are not in the probability you prefer, it is simple to get there by proper focus and understanding. Refocus and adjust your beliefs. Doing so is like clicking your remote to get to a better reality channel.



Change the station, and you can have anything you want.



45 years of research goes into every book


What are you going to do to change your life?



What is a thought? thinking mind
A website article.




“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

— Albert Einstein


No experience is ever lost. All realities continue forever, as do you. When you know how, you can experience any of infinite realities.


Why science religion told us our thoughts do not create our physical reality matter events
A website article. website feature article.


Do other dimensions exist?

Yes, infinite other dimensions exists. I call them probabilities. There are many versions of you in other probable realities or dimensions of existence.

Hugh Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics indicates other worlds are created with each decision we make.


William Eastwood Predictions: What to Expect in 2024, 2025 & Beyond
A website article.


Multidimensional self

Simultaneous time means the past is not done with. All people and all places that have ever existed and all that shall exist in the future exist now.

Click below to learn how to change the past and redo experiences that you want a second chance at.


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All things happen now because all time periods exist now

You will leave this life at the same time you entered it. To your entity no time will have passed.


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A website article.



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Published in May, 2024.




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2023 edition.


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What's your best memory? Make it happen again but better this time! The audiobook that will change your life forever.


Thoughts create matter presents audio book just listen, learn & manifest
An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.


Manifesting technology! An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.

  • The first 30 sets of affirmations and guidance from Earth Network's daily affirmation post.
  • Just listen at any time—especially as you are falling asleep—and you will manifest your goals.


Reset for success

  • Change your mood for instant powerful mind power.
  • Visualize your desires (with guided meditation). 
  • Turn downtime like waiting in lines and traffic into your most productive time.
  • Use while falling asleep to trigger fantastic dreams that will manifest goals and intrinsic desires.
  • This book contains the amazingly effective affirmations developed by William Eastwood and posted on the Earth Network daily affirmation pages.


Narration by Scott Eastwood, singer for Carbon Red

The Tree by Carbon Red contains a powerful message.



Also available in eBook format

The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

Ebook version of audio book.


"How Do I Make This the Best Day Possible? Manifest While You Sleep."








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Your beliefs create your reality
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Why Hasn't My Life Changed for the Better? Does Our Reality Ever get better?
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You do not need a diet because they don't work
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Thoughts create matter visualization
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Appreciation gratitude are International Philosophy
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Internal Science International Philosophy William Eastwood
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Time Is Relative & Nonlinear Universe
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How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
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BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
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You are beautiful and the universe is kind
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Beliefs create reality and thoughts create matter
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Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not existA article.

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Thoughts create matter presents: The compounded placebo effect.
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The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood solve world problems
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A public notification of a new science paradigm
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Thought who are we
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William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
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How do my thoughts create my reality?
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Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
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Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
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UFO REPORT: What Are UFO's Actually? Nature of, Protection science
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How to create what you want manifest now
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THE SECRET: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve Problems & Achieve Goals
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Altruistic Movement Earth Network William Eastwood Case History Connecticut Criminal Government
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The Earth Network mission by William Eastwood
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Affirmations posted daily.

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Thoughts create matter presents internal science.
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Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
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Internal science
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Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
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Cult philosophy science religion violence
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Are Time & Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? Do Other Dimensions Exist?

  • Are time and space an illusion?
  • Is this the only reality?
  • Do other dimensions exist?


Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood



Primary article concludes here.






Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy




Categories: Are Time & Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? Do Other Dimensions Exist? Quantum physics thoughts create reality. How do thoughts create reality? How do my thoughts create matter? Are time and space an illusion? Mind forms reality. Does the past and future exist now?  Is this world the only reality or dimension of existence? Do other realities – dimensions – worlds – times exist? How does mind form matter & reality? Click on this site for more information!


Are Time and Space an Illusion? Is this the Only Reality? Do Other Dimensions Exist?

Time & Space are an Illusion Only Reality
Manifest now.

If you are not in the probability you prefer, it is simple to get there by proper focus and understanding. Refocus and adjust your beliefs. Doing so is like clicking your remote to get to a better reality channel.


