The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
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Consciousness Definition & Description: What Consciousness is—Its Characteristics & Nature
- What is the definition of consciousness?
- What are the characteristics of consciousness?
- Can you describe the nature and characteristics of consciousness?
I will answer these questions now.
Definition, description and nature of consciousness
Consciousness is fundamental and can’t be broken down to be further understood. The universe is a hologram of consciousness, and the entire universe is enfolded within you as codes of electromagnetic energy imbued with the characteristics we ascribe to life.
All energy and all matter is a construction of consciousness. Your individuality is what consciousness is. You are an individualized portion of the universe discovering what it is through individualized life experience and observations.
No one knows where the original consciousness that formed the universe came from.
Consciousness is not only the act of perception, it is the stuff of reality.
What is consciousness?
Consciousness is the original causal substance and is all that exists. Anything created by consciousness is a substrate of consciousness and will reflect the characteristics of the formative consciousness.
The body is an expression of individualized consciousness. Your environment is an extension of your consciousness.
An object is a camouflage of consciousness. It is not what it appears to be.
Any object is directly connected to the entire universe. Like holographic film, the whole is enfolded in each of its parts.
Only consciousness can create more consciousness. Consciousness cannot create anything that is non-consciousness or nonliving. There is no such thing as dead or nonliving matter.
Life does not enter into non-living matter and fill it with life, because everything that exists is alive whether or not it is animated. Everything is composed of the life force we call consciousness.
All consciousness is of the same quality. The Consciousness Energy Units (CEU’s) that form a grain of sand are the same basic nature as the CEU’s that form your mind or spiritual consciousness or the consciousness of anything else. However, the consciousness of an atom is not the same as human awareness.
Consciousness is like clay that can be formed into any kind of object or phenomena. It is an amazing substance that becomes whatever it imagines itself to be.
Consciousness exists first and then manifests as time and space, as material objects such as human beings, and as subjective phenomena such as your soul and your thoughts.
Your environment is a personal projection of consciousness. It is a hologram projection you create and control with your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
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Consciousness is all that exists
The original causal substance of reality is consciousness. Nothing can exist outside of consciousness because consciousness cannot create anything that is not consciousness.
Consciousness creates more consciousness in that consciousness manifests in unlimited ways as dimensions such as our familiar time-space, material and non-material phenomena.
The complexity we see in nature and in quantum physics is a result of the complexity of consciousness. The complexity of atomic structure is a mirror image of the complexity of the consciousness of which it is composed and created out of.
Consciousness is not a result of mathematics, instead complex mathematics is a reflection of the inherent complexity of consciousness.
NBC NEWS REPORT Universe Is Conscious
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Human consciousness
All creature consciousness is basically the same. There is no cat consciousness, apple consciousness and human consciousness, there is only consciousness.
All consciousness joins in groupings, but these are not hierarchical in nature. There are “species” of consciousness however, in that consciousness is individualized and that gives us the free will to form our own nature. However, the basic nature of all consciousness is the same.
A fetus is composed of the consciousness of the mother until at a certain point the human spirit enters in. This can happen from shortly after conception to shortly after birth. The greater consciousness of the spirit or soul of the child to be born takes over the fetus and the body consciousness of the fetus.

There is no non-consciousness
We think there is living and non-living matter, but in truth such designations are a result of ignorance and myth. All matter is alive because all matter is a manifestation of consciousness. That consciousness is always alive and of the same basic nature as your own consciousness.
As consciousness can form your fingernail, so consciousness can form a grain of sand or any object.
A material apparatus cannot create artificial intelligence. Consciousness cannot be created by anything physical or anything other than consciousness. For one, as explained, there is no such thing as non-consciousness.
The body is an ongoing projection of a non-physical body of consciousness
Each cell in your body exists first as a cell composed entirely of consciousness. This is the equivalent of what scientists call the wave state. The non-physical cell then manifest its physical form by appearing in the frequency of time-space.
Cells have a consciousness of their own which transcends our fixation in time. When you have an emotional reaction, it is often a result of cellular recognition of a past or future event which was either traumatic or pleasurable.
Real travel is through consciousness
Exploration in the future will be inward. When consciousness travels inward it opens up to outer realities. Time-space dimensions are created from within and are then exteriorized.
Physical and non-physical states of consciousness
Consciousness exists in a non-material state as your mind, your thoughts and all your subjective activity. From the perspective of physically-focused consciousness (humans while in this dimension), thoughts evolve on inner levels of consciousness, and when conditions are right manifest as physical objects and events.
All consciousness is connected, yet individualized. All consciousness is electromagnetic energy but is is also more that that.
One unbroken energy
This single energy movement, an aspect of which is sometimes called a wave or field by scientists, is a single consciousness that existed prior to any physical constructions.
There is no time. This single energy movement or consciousness always existed. Everything is formed out of this consciousness.

All identities such as you and me, and all physical realities have always existed in latent form within this single consciousness.
Consciousness and identity
Fundamental consciousness is a result of action within vitality attempting to maintain stability balanced by its desire for change and creation. Action within vitality steps apart from itself as we look in a mirror at our self and this creates awareness of itself, which is what I call fundamental consciousness.
From fundamental Consciousness another process occurs to create ego type consciousness, which is what we are.
Consciousness is action within vitality. Our kind of consciousness, what I call ego consciousness, is an attempt of spiritual consciousness to separate itself and view the rest of action within vitality as existing outside of itself.
Hence to our conscious perception the reflection of our face in a mirror is recognized as “self,” and everything else is non-self. To an animal the reflection of the creature is not distinct from everything else.
Identity is separateness within unity. A mind is action within vitality stepping apart from itself and viewing itself as a separate unit. You, being identity, perceive the rest of reality as something that exists outside of yourself.
Our perception of time and space is limited. We narrow down an infinite reality of unlimited times and places to a small range that we are capable of perceiving and processing. Refer to the double slit experiment in physics that reveals the same when interpreted correctly.
A moment is just a limited range of perception. What we call the past and future are what exists beyond what we can see within that range of perception.
It is ignorant to think that what we cannot see does not exist. The past and the future exist now, we just cannot perceive either because our consciousness is an ego type consciousness which has limited perception and sees itself as separate and defined (limited).
Ego type consciousness is secure and can now expand beyond current limits, and that is the next step in our conscious evolution.

Characteristics of consciousness
Consciousness is spiritual essence and is indestructible. It has always existed and always will.
Any given unit of consciousness contains the knowledge of the whole. Like holographic film, if you destroyed all but the last, most minuscule portion of consciousness, that tiny speck of consciousness could recreate the entire universe.
Consciousness is continuous. Consciousness cannot be defined any more than you can define yourself, eternity and All-That-Is.
Consciousness is everywhere, and so are you. Some portion of your consciousness exists in every dimension.
Consciousness is inclined towards the most positive development
Your consciousness contains the knowledge of the whole and unlimited resources and wisdom within it. Your consciousness always moves you towards the most constructive path.
The main article continues below.