Family Tree (below)
William Eastwood’s full family genealogy and 1979 press interview below.
William Eastwood’s bloodline is traced back definitively to the Plantagenet Dynasty of 14 kings of England.
There is treasure everywhere
When I was 13 I was digging artifacts with a friend. I asked him if he wanted to switch places and he did. That’s when I pulled a solid platinum Elgin watch with 36 diamonds out of the ground. I continue to find treasure everywhere, including revolutionary war artifacts. At age 22 I paid cash for a circa 1776 sea captains house overlooking the Machias ME river (the site of the first naval battle of the revolution).
William Eastwood 2025: Philosopher, Alchemist

Einstein on what makes a true pioneer & revolutionary

“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
“I will reach out to every hungry person and dark corner or earth. When I am done, nothing will be the same. If I have to provide a new science, a new philosophy, and map out every step for individuals, groups, regions and nations, with an experimental regional community in paradise, I will do it.”
—William Eastwood

A do-it-yourself new reality kit from William Eastwood
What about the reality of billions of people in trouble?
Most people believe they are independent thinkers, but all they really do is reorganize negative paradigms and give them a new name. Most people are so compromised by the world’s negative thinking they will reject anything positive out of hand and will always assume the worst without having any logical reason to do so. This is why we are in so much trouble.
Who is William Eastwood?
By: Camille Flores
Click here for a free PDF book.
An all-ages book that can benefit adults and children in difficult circumstances.
No requirements, book opens with one click.

Transformation by William Eastwood
Five amazing books ( & a film) that give us a path to a new civilization
How would it feel to tell your family and friends that you saved millions of children?

I’m more about redesigning the social construct and material culture of our civilization than climbing the ranks of what already exists. When something has gone too far in the wrong direction and is dug in, trying to change it is like trying to change the laws of Rome. It’s not going to happen.
I didn’t get permission to redesign science and philosophy, and I doubt anybody will give it to me. A person who thinks outside of the box is not going to get permission from those who are in the box.
William Eastwood 1979 interview: ‘The Kid with Sun in His Eyes.’
This is a photograph of microfilm available to anyone who requests it in the United States Library microfilm database. The PDF of the film can be read by clicking on the images below.
You can read the PDF files below.

PDF of Eastwood drafting 100% solar heated and cooled home above

PDF of Eastwood front page story above.
The “highly accurate secret invention” Eastwood is asked to work on — a contemporary version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors — is mentioned in the article.

For those conducting research: additional references.
William Eastwood genealogy / lineage
William is related to Clint Eastwood. He is also 10% Mohawk Indian.
William’s father is Roger Daniel Eastwood, and his mother is Anne Borden Doolittle. William is a blood descendant of General Jimmy Doolittle, who in response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor, shortly thereafter, some say turned the tide against the Japanese in World War II.

King John, who signed the Magna Carta.

William Eastwood is the 11th generation from Abraham Doolittle who was born in England in 1620. Abraham emigrated to Boston in 1641.
The planters (Doolittle family) that came from England were descended from nobility and educated. Abraham Doolittle was a Puritan and disagreed with the government and the Church of England.
The Doolittle family was well to do and were seeking religious freedom. They were afraid the government would confiscate their possessions.
Click here for PDF of Abraham Doolittle who co-founded New Haven Connecticut & his connection to Mont Saint Michel in France (and William the Conqueror).
Click here for PDF on Richard the Good and the first Doolittles.
Samuel (Chief Executive Officer of New Haven Colony in the early 1600s) who was one of Abraham’s sons, was married to Mary Cornwall, (whose father, Reverend Peck, was an original proprietor of Hartford, the capital of Connecticut, [the Constitution State]).
William is from the line of Samuel.
Mary’s ancestry goes back 15 generations to her direct ancestor, John Plantagenet, King of England. King John signed the Magna Carta, and his father was Henry Plantagenet, King Henry ll of England.
King Henry II is the great grandson of William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England.
All descendants of Samuel are descendants of at least two Kings of England.
The Magna Carta is a human rights document, the first of its kind in world history.
William Eastwood is a descendant of William the Conqueror, the first Norman King of England, King Henry II, the greatest ruler of medieval England, and King John.
Henry is “the Father of the Common Law” and he was the one who forged a completely new judicial system. He created a system of national courts serving the rich and powerful and the poor alike. His was a system of equal justice like we have today in most of Europe and the United States.
Henry applied uniform rules across his empire (following precedents established in previous cases as courts do today).
Made manifest by Magna Carta, the law had become even higher than the king himself and came to be known as “the Rule of Law.” From that achievement to the idea of inalienable rights in America, the world is so governed even today. Henry lifted the Middle Ages into the modern era.
The world is again in transition, and this time to something greater than most can imagine. The time has come for the glory to return, and humanity to rise to a level rarely even glimpsed in the most profound of dreams.

William Eastwood is the 11th generation from Abraham Doolittle who was born in England in 1620. Abraham Doolittle’s and thus William’s ancestry can be traced back to the immensely popular tourist destination, Mont Saint Michel in France.
William Eastwood is a blood descendant of King Henry II, builder of Dover Castle.
A Story
By William Eastwood
Life will then manifest miracles
Everyone is a miracle and their existence is an eternal miracle. When I was young, my life seemed to be a series of miracles. One in particular, however, stood out. It was a newspaper article, “The Kid with Sun in his Eyes.”
The glass slipper in the Cinderella fairy tale is a surviving element from a manifestation of the authentic self.
My life was mostly miracles until there was someone like the evil Stepmother in my own life. Then there was my own “glass slipper.”
Like the glass slipper in her story, my newspaper article resurfaced at a time that I needed it. It proved I was not who the trolls said I was. It was what I needed to become who I was destined to be, and to live happily ever after as Cinderella did in the fairy tale.
The trolls didn’t believe I was who I said I was until this article appeared as a relic from the past. They didn’t like it, but they couldn’t make it go away because it is in the United States Library microfilm database. The small print in the article does mention that I was working for a Yale Professor at his private research and development facility on a secret invention.
A true, fairy tale-like story of how I achieved the impossible as a teenager as an example of magic power in everyone, everywhere.
Follow the link below this article to learn how simple the methods that I applied at age 12 were to create my dreams.

Principles that work
When I was only 12 years old.
The Glass Slipper
A boy’s version of Cinderella
In the fairy tale, Cinderella was held hostage and degraded by her wicked stepmother until the prince arrived with her glass slipper, proving that she was not who her wicked stepmother said she was.
Everyone has someone like Cinderella’s wicked stepmother in their life — one or more people who hold them to a false definition of who they are.
Read the story!
At 12 years old I knew without a doubt that this fantastic new way of thinking — a new and accurate understanding of reality — was bigger than anything that had ever happened in recorded history. Our reality was not the dark and gloomy picture that I was seeing taught in the classroom and depicted on the news. I didn’t have to work at a job I didn’t like in a grueling 9 to 5 life of pain and suffering followed by death and extermination of my existence. It wasn’t that way at all! I was an eternal consciousness, a portion of the divine All-That-Is, and I was given my desires as a guide and blueprint for what would be my heroic journey.
That was my decision at age 12. At that time, I knew without a doubt that every single person on earth was here to fulfill their mission by following their dreams and purpose, and that was meant to be done through play and fun rather than struggle and painful work. My life, I decided at age 12, would be of play and fun. It would be a great adventure! That I knew in my bones, and it rattled my soul. I was thrilled beyond belief. I would be a great architect, I would be an inventor who designs solar energy systems to reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels, and I would be a great educator.
(Since then, I have achieved some of these goals at least in part.)
The human race was poised to experience profound changes, and I was about to be a part of the greatest transition in history, and at age 12, I knew it. I was about to embark upon my greatest dreams and mission in life as an arbiter of truth and a harbinger of things to come that were so great as to be indescribable.
This would be the most fantastic era in the known history of the human race, and I absolutely knew where I fit in — I was going to be the one to announce it!
This story reveals YOUR abilities
The story that follows illustrates an important point about your intelligence and our largely untapped collective human intelligence. As human beings we have free will. This means we have the free will to choose our thoughts. You are a free conscious thinker centered in a reality where a specific way of thinking produces a specific kind of result. This story illustrates how well that process can work to manifest your dreams and purpose.
This story is NOT about degrees or qualifications or unique abilities that only I had, but the exact opposite. It is meant to illustrate the power of common ability to produce exceptional results beyond what is thought to be possible.
I was an ordinary kid with the same mental abilities as any child my age. The whole point of this article is that you DO NOT need any special degree to use this process. You can get amazing results by imagining something you want. You can bypass the need for degrees or normal requirements to achieve your goal. What got me in a Yale professor’s private research facility to reduce America’s carbon footprint (my dream) was not the kind of intelligence being taught in the public schools at the time.
I manipulated beliefs, thoughts, emotions and visual imagery in a very specific way.
Because of my age, and because I did not yet possess the kind of adult-world beliefs most people have that could have blocked the amazing dream-come-true result from happening, the process I used worked.
It didn’t happen because of luck. I didn’t have any social connections in my world at that time to anyone in academia. My teachers did not think I was special, and some thought that I was not a very good student.
My dream realized (like Cinderella going to the ball)
I remember very well what happened. I was only 13 and still in public school when I was walked into a research facility owned by a Yale Professor. The staff looked like a Rock Band, like hippies rather than intellectuals — college age, but still older than me.
Professor Everett Barber introduced me to young men with long blond hair as he walked me to where I would be working and sat me down. He opened a large journal for a specific invention — a contemporary version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors — and showed me where and how to make entries, and on what part of the invention he wanted me to advise on. The record was the size of a large photo journal but contained hand-written notes from other young intellectuals working on his staff. It also had little hand scribbled illustrations and mathematical equations within its 200 or so pages.
I was daunted and very nervous. I was tasked with determining the configuration of lenses that would be required to make this secret and highly accurate invention work. My entry would be that “a dual spherical glass lens would be the best option.”
All that aside, my thoughts got me into this research facility. To this day I also remember the exact time of inception. I manifest the events and achievements of my youth with specific deliberate intent. I even remembered a specific time and place in which I saw it clearly in my imagination. I tested the hypothesis that I could create this fortunate event with my mind; and I did. I have a rich autobiographical account of–an event in my youth that triggered this event and others. It did happen, and I have the proof.
I didn’t work on an invention for a Yale Professor because of a special gift. I did so because of–a fantasy on a beautiful summer day when I was twelve years old.
A demonstration

It is somewhat difficult to see it because it is a photograph of microfilm from the U.S. library. You can click on the PDF to see the entire article and to read it. There are additional articles in a bigger New Haven Connecticut USA paper, but this one is the oldest, and proves my claim. The New Haven paper had the greatest circulation of any paper in that area at the time, and it published another article on me when I was 17. That article explained how the American Supply Company was distributing my modular solar energy systems. It is also in the public record.
I say ‘demonstration’ because it is a manifestation that demonstrates my ability to manifest something using International Philosophy. It was somewhat like Cinderella leaving a glass slipper at the ball. What I manifest — this story given above and here— is like the glass slipper in that it indicates that I had worked for a Yale professor and designed low-income solar housing when I was very young. I imagined a fantasy and it came true in the same way Cinderella’s fantasy came true, only I was a boy, and my fantasy was to be a great inventor in the limelight. Cinderella was a hero, not the worthless person her wicked stepmother said she was, and you and I are heroic; not the selves society or others may sometimes say we are.
My newspaper story is my equivalent of the glass slipper that Cinderella left at the ball. It is the hard proof that I am not what certain authoritarian bullies who degrade people may think, and that I really am what this interview says I am.
You too are a heroic self. And you can manifest your fantasy and authentic self through the same methods I used and still do now. My books all teach this magical and superior way of using the mind to achieve desired results, regardless of what those results may be.
Any dream, no matter what it is, can be made real.